Hello. I'm Back

How are you?

- A sunrise in the field, best way to start the day -

I feel like I've been away from Ready Steady Teddy for a long time. Three weeks since I posted anything. It's nice to be back. This post is a catch up.

Towards the end of January I started writing lots of notes for important posts I wanted to share. Important stuff about myself; my depression and my epilepsy. I wrote lots and lots and saved it all online. Unfortunately, after a really great few days of planning, my website went down. I couldn't see my notes or my posts or anything. There was an issue with the hosting site which my Brother and I use and he spent two weeks trying to sort that out. He did, and thank you Ben, claps for you.

Since my site went down I've been thinking loads about what I want to write about and as a result I have a head full of ideas but not much of an organised plan. I sometimes find it hard to write. There are so many things I want to say and I'm worried I'll forget bits and I don't know where to begin so as a result it all stays in my brain as a jumble. Does anyone else have this?

Sometimes I'm really motivated to write about things that are important to me. And sometimes, the idea of sharing those things feels uncomfortable and much too personal. It really depends on my mood and how I'm feeling about myself.

What's next?

I'm going to post about a few things that are important to me. Probably over the next few weeks. Something like depression, is difficult to write about because how do you approach that subject and make it manageable and not really grizzly? Other things I want to say are really inspiring, and I could open my mouth and talk and talk about them until everyone was bored stiff. (Quite a bit of planning needed for those topics).

I also have photos to share, which I took in the February snow flurry and during dog walking escapades too. I'm very lucky to live in this beautiful part of the country and this morning I was reminded of it. I woke up to an array of birds and other wildlife just outside my bedroom window.

So, to sum up.... I've never found structured writing easy, (any one of my English teachers would confirm this). But I'm very happy my site is back up and running. This little space, is my space. Although I don't find it easy to organise my thoughts into concise blog posts, I feel extremely proud of myself when I do. This is my journal, my blank white board. And every day that I get some of my words written down in a post, is a day that I feel I've achieved something.


Photos of February 2019


My Favourites: Blogs