Photos of February 2019
As I mentioned in this post January 2019, I'm photographing my favourite local spots each month this year, to show you how the view changes in my village throughout 2019.
- I worry Kiwi will get terribly hungry when his grass is covered over but he nuzzles through the snow to reach the grass if he wants it -
The weather in South Oxfordshire has been up and down and all over the place this month. We started with a big snow flurry, and now, we're approaching March in glorious warm sunshine. I'm loving the warmth. The birds are cheeping every morning and the snow drops and daffodils are coming out in force. It's never too early for me. Bring on Spring I say.
Here is my February in photos:
The first of February brought a great flurry of snow. It started fluffy and light but within a couple of hours we were carpeted in thick white crystals.
I love the way the posts either side of the bridge and all the trees have snow clinging to their sides. It looks like someone's painted it on and left the bark clear on the sides of each trunk.
The snowdrops were already spreading throughout the woods and these little ones battled through the frost to peep out of the snow layer.
I took this photo of the tiniest tree branches holding a light layer of snow. I don't notice how delicate they are without seeing the snow covering them.
The ducks aren’t sure of themselves when the pond is frozen over. Below the surface you can see large air bubbles clinging to the icy coating.
Oscar's always enjoyed the snow. Our last dog did too. The first thing he does on a snowy morning is dash about the garden. Then he flops over for a role. It looks like he's making snow angels.
- A chilly view from the bridge in the woods -
After the snow cleared I noticed the cherry blossoms were coming out. Cherry trees are some of my favourite. The smell of the little white blossoms is so sweet. During the day you can smell the trees by the yard all the way down the driveway before you can see them.
- The snowdrops cluster together in large bunches. They’re a welcome brightness on the ground after a brown and grey leaf strewn winter -
- First job of the morning, giving Kiwi his breakfast -
His winter feeds consist of Alfa A and oil, conditioning cubes, sliced carrots, powdered turmeric and flax seed oil. All mixed together with a splash of water.... tasty !
A few days ago we started waking up to mornings shrouded in mist. But it quickly melted away to brilliant blue skies and sunshine with a temperature of around 10*C. Kiwi has spent his days basking in the warm sunshine.
These next two photos are two of my favourite subjects; spiders webs and sunsets. Although saying that, there are a lot of things I really like to photograph.
- A spiders web in the morning with little dew drops clinging to it -
- I took this whilst poo picking Kiwi's field a few evenings ago. I looked up at the perfect time to see these pink streaks dashed across the sky. Within two minutes, they were lost in the cloud -
- I love the colour of this yellow lichen, It's so vibrant and golden this kind of yellow makes me happy -
Just a couple of weeks later and the snowdrops are blooming, the ground is dry. There's no evidence of the snow that caked the woods earlier this month.
The very talented Mr Henry Turner took the next five photos...
The cherry trees are surrounded by a continuous humming sound, the bees have found their mark and are taking full advantage of these blossoms.
- I like sitting with the boys when they lay down for a midday nap -
Arnie, his racing name is ‘Serious Matters’, enjoys a good chin scratch too.
I don't know why Kiwi finds my camera interesting... perhaps the sound of the shutter? He went for a good sniff of the lens
I find Oscar difficult to photograph because he's so dark and I loos his eyes in shadow.
He's not thrilled at being photographed.
He tends to looks in any direction other than at the camera
- Kiwi with his big dark eyes -
This warm sunny evening was a gentle reminder of what's to come as the evenings get lighter
I’m really looking forward to spring. So far the winters’ been relatively dry but I’m over the persistent darkness and grey skies. Hopefully next month's photos will be as equally warm and bright as the last few days have been.
I hope you’ve enjoyed your February, wherever it is and however it's looks.