Oh February, bitter but brief
This month has been jolly exciting. My belly looks obvious now and feels big and stretched particularly in the evenings. In the last week I’ve been feeling flutterings and niggles in my belly when I lie down to sleep at night. I can’t wait to feel more movement over the coming weeks and months.
In the first week of February we had our 20 week scan which went really well. It was a magical experience. The sonographer spent time taking measurements of baby and looking for specific angles to image so Henry and I got to have a good look at our little one. Baby was moving all around and we saw lots of organs and blood flow pictures and even a raised hand as if waving hello.
We went for a walk around the hospital in an attempt to get baby to turn over and I was grinning from ear to ear. I realised how odd it is having a baby in hospital. I felt self conscious being happy when people all around are worried about their health or a loved one or just having a stressful work day. It’s an odd dichotomy that babies are born in the same place that illness is battled. An extraordinary and ordinary experience, in a place where most people are unhappy.
- Preparations -
I’ve been pottering on with preparations for our little family and for my steadily expanding tummy. On our last visit to Henry’s parents house we had a look at the crib Henry’s Father made for his three boys to use. It’s a beautiful dark wooden cot that I’d love to have for our little one. It would be cool to know our baby is the second generation using a home made bed. My elder sister also has a wooden crib that’s rocked most of my family and I believe my Mother and her siblings too. This might be an ideal for baby to sleep in beside our bed as it’s not too big and a good height. Standard guidance is to have your baby sleep in your room with you for the first six months so that’s what I’m looking for in a first cot.
We’ve bought a rocking chair in anticipation of late night and early morning feeds. As well as for general exhaustion support. Hopefully baby will enjoy rocking on it as much as I do. It’s tricky to know what kind of comforting baby will want before their here and what size to they’ll be so I’m not going to buy a sleep swaddle until much closer to our due date.
- Maternity Clothes -
After much combing through websites and no luck in shops I’ve found some maternity wear. I’m hopeful these pieces will fit whilst my bump grows and be useful after baby is here too. I have two basic pairs of navy leggings I wear all the time, as a base layer under waterproofs at the yard and at work with tunics as my tights are way too tight. I have two oversized t shirts from H&M that are comfortable and excitingly a pair of work trousers and a pair of jeans with elasticated over the bump tops. I’ve been looking for comfy work trousers for years and now I’m pregnant they popped up, such luck.
- Reading -
I’ve started reading ‘The Positive Birth’ book by Milli Hill which was recommended and I’m enjoying a lot. It ties in with the course I’m watching from Megan Rossiter called ‘Birth Ed’. These are both an overlook at labour and birth and the physiology which drives the process. Both really encourage personal, confident decision making for Mothers and are empowering resources. This is my first pregnancy and I like hearing about positive, affirming birth stories even when mostly they are completely different to what was planned. They sound stressful or traumatic but when the Mother is kept informed and respected they prove to be positive experiences.