Photographs of January 2019
- One of my favourite trees. You come around a corner and there it is standing ahead. It’s beautiful without it’s leaves, so intricate -
I want to share some photographs taken from around my home. This post is for you to see what January feels like to me; the uplifting beauty of the outside world I love. Not the overcast grey days of gloom!
Buried amongst the thousands of photos I have on my computer are a few lovely snaps of my Village. There are a number of random shots taken over many months and years which remind me of how wonderful this place can be.
Capturing the changes...
So, I've decided to take photographs every month of 2019, showing specific places nearby. And share with you the changes I see through the seasons of 2019.
These photographs below I took over a few days, since the start of the new year, during my morning dog walks and horse feeds.
- If I wake up early, I love to go up to the yard just as the sun is rising over Kiwi’s field. This photograph captures the feel of a fresh new day -
- Kiwi is good at sharing his meals with Oscar,
he tolerates Oscar picking out the pony nuts -
Kiwi's current field is the furthest away from the yard, but the view is my favourite.
The idea of poo picking the field in the dark evenings of winter may look daunting but it's just what I need after a day of sitting at a desk.
Within the wood are two pools, it's home to an illusive heron and a number of roe deer
- This field is called Seven Acres, it stretches all around the big house -
- Kiwi is just visible at the end of the footpath -
Unsurprisingly, Oscar isn't a fan of photo stops during a walk. I looked up to see him resolutely sitting ahead of me, as if to say "can we get on with this please"
- One of my favourite parts of winter is the amazing sunsets. This was taken from the kitchen window. The colours don't look real -
- The sun disappeared behind this blanket of cloud -
- This path spans the length of one huge field and Oscar had reached the end by the time I began to cross it -
- One day I'll photograph a red kite and capture the striking colours. They're big birds and I see many over head gliding in the thermals -
My favourite shot of the day. I entered the woodland and the sun came out, just enough to illumine the green field and open sky behind me.
I'll collect more photos during February and hopefully see the landscape changing. Either that, or a lot of mud and grey Skys!