My First Photos with Film

- First Photo on my Pentax taken from the back seat of the car on the way to my Sister's Birthday Party. I can't remember what film this was shot on -

My Father has lent me a Pentax Super Program that his father bought him when he was a teenager. It has lots of settings but can also be used on auto mode. I've been using P (playing it safe). Amazingly, I found the complete camera manual online.

I've taken 3 roles of film (35mm) and it's been good fun. Having had a digital camera since 2008, I'd forgotten how much patience is needed when using film. At first I got bored of shooting and not being able to see the results until they'd returned from development. Now I've learnt to start a roll and finish it within a short time, otherwise I forget the ISO/ASA as well as what I've shot on the previous frames.

The strange thing I've also realised is that using an automatic film camera - where I have less expectation of exact focus, colour and exposure - I'm actually enjoying taking photos more, knowing that they'll be what they are and that's that. When I take my DSLR out on a walk I get impatient trying to tweak settings to capture the exact look I want. And I often feel unsuccessful.

These photos are my favourite from my first three roles of film. The first was way back in June 2018 and I can't remember what it was. Second was Ektar 100 (which I shot at 200 and had pushed a stop) and the last role was on Kodak Gold Ultra 400.

Unknown Film 2018

- I love this one -

My Sister's Birthday Party 2018 at The Prince near West Brompton Tube Station in London. A crazy busy, noisy bar but a cool place.

- I love the warm light in this photo -

Ektar 100 (Pushed one stop to 200)

If you've seen any of this blog you'll know it's mostly full of animals. And Oscar's not very inclined to show his face so I have many shots of his butt! I like the texture of him against the grass and the barley beside him

- My Father has really blue eyes -

This film has a warm red tone in all the colours

- A weekend in Devon 2019 with one of the bestest girls Phily -

- Me in Devon 2019 -

- forgot to wind on the film so a double exposure, one from either side of Kiwi, I really like this one -

- I convinced both boys to look at the camera which isn't the easiest thing I call this one 'Man with Dog' -

- Ben in front of the National Gallery, London. Especially like his red jumper matching the banners behind -

Kodak Gold Ultra 400

I shot this roll over two days at home, on walks with Oscar

- No matter how big or small, Oscar will try to swim in all bodies of water -

- Oscar and stick -

- Taken on the bridge in the woods. I like the reflection of sky in the water -

- Blossom the hen -

- I walked half way across this field, turned and found these three following me. By the time I'd focused the lens they'd almost walked into it! -

- Cherry trees at the yard, these blossoms are one of my favourite smells -

- Oscar in a candid moment of relaxation -

I've recently bought 5 rolls of Fuji colour C200 film to try, so that will be coming next.

I'm currently distracting myself from feeling isolated with photographs and scrapbooking. We'll get through this. Happy Tuesday in social distancing everyone.


Good Things in a time of Corona

