About Me

My name is Teddy...

Well, to be honest my name is actually Theodora, Thea or Teddy. But I'll also answer to most of my siblings names or to Oscar (the dog).

I live in Oxfordshire, England and I'm British and half Canadian. My Mother is British, my Father Canadian and both sides of the family originate from Scotland.

I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2013, and I've struggled with depression and anxiety for several years.

I enjoy writing about day to day life. My lifestyle in the countryside and around animals. Writing about what I'm up to helps me own how I'm feeling. Sounds pedantic, yes. But when you're stuck somewhere and not sure how to move forward, small steps, however slowly are a good idea.

Here are 11 Facts about Me...

  • I’m crazy about my animals, I have a horse, a dog and three chickens who are part of the family. I spend a large amount of time each day chatting with them. They may not have much to say but they are great listeners.

  • I love living in the countryside and I can't imagine ever wanting to live in the bustle and noise of a city. All three of my siblings live in big cities and whilst I enjoy visiting- it's definitely not for me! (I need trees and grass and space and quiet).

Oscar the labrador. He is now 2yrs old and extremely mischievous.

  • I’m always cold – all the time – even in summertime. Our house is old so colder inside than out. As a result, I spend approximately 5 months a year in an alpaca wool jumper.

  • 70% of what I say is quotes; mostly from Blackadder, Harry Potter, The Mummy or one of a long list of action movies that make me happy. I can watch and listen to my favourite movies over and over again.

  • I love stories; books and movies and audiobooks. We need fantasy to survive because reality is too difficult. During my A levels I took solace in listening to Stephen Fry’s Harry Potter audiobooks. Stephen Fry and JK Rowling saved me.

  • I think kindles are amazing. My siblings and I are all dyslexic. Myself, I struggle reading fine print and written text. I spent a few weeks one holiday learning to touch type and began using a computer in my lessons at school. And using a kindle this year has been fantastic - I would definitely recommend trying one if you have trouble reading in straight lines!

  • When I’m stressed, I like to organise things and make lists and tidy or sort something, or someone.

  • I have a brother and a sister and another younger sister. Big families are awesome, definitely trying at times but great fun. I babysit lots of little children and it’s given me enormous admiration for my parents. I don’t know how they coped having four children without wanting to sell us!

  • I like riding, hiking, baking, sewing, reading and making people laugh. Not always in that order. Generally being outside in nature.

  • No seizures since 2014  -  Yay !

  • Keep Calm and Carry On – or at least try one or the other.
